



The world of work faces significant changes due to technological advances since the first industrial revolutions. These changes have had a drastic impact on the working class, as technological innovations and automation mechanisms have considerably replaced jobs that were previously performed by human beings. Through automation processes in companies, a series of jobs ceased to exist and this phenomenon still affects a large part of the population. In this article, the authors compare the performance trends of professions/careers in the world of work, through a comparative study of public data. Thus, it was possible to compare this information with the courses offered in the Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education (RFEPT) and generate new information that is aligned with the world of work. Thus, this article aims to instigate managers and students to a better analysis of the offer of new courses in institutions, through efficiency indicators based on the analysis of data available on the Nilo Peçanha Platform (PNP), in the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO), in the National Employment System (SINE) and data on all professions, positions and wages in the Brazilian labor market, through the Salarios portal. With the analysis of these data, it is expected to enable a better understanding of the analyzed theme and contribute to a better decision making in the choice/offer of new courses.

Author Biographies

  • Sandro Rodrigues de Oliveira, IFTM

    Mestre em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica – ProfEPT

  • Ed Wilson Tavares Ferreira, IFTM

    Pós Doutor em Ciências.


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Data Availability Statement

Dados disponíveis.

How to Cite

EPT AND THE WORKING WORLD - A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON JOB DEMAND IN BRAZIL. (2024). Revista Eixo, 13(1), 39-45. https://doi.org/10.19123/REixo.v13n1.9

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