This article presents a systematic qualitative review on psychiatric medicalization with children and adolescents in foster care. It is part of the master's thesis whose theme involves the practices underlying the process of medicalization in children and adolescents sheltered in nursing homes. We undertook this research modality with the objective of seeking references in empirical studies that contemplate the psychiatric medicalization of children and adolescents and can base the deepening on this phenomenon and its effects for the development and constitution of the subjectivity of this population. We searched the Capes Periodicals Portal and the Theses and Dissertations Databases at USP and PUC using the descriptors medicalization; medicalization; medicalization of childhood; reception; institutionalization; “institutional care”; children and teenager; children and youth; childx and teenagerx; health care services; judicial protection of children and adolescents; institutionalized children and youth. We selected three works that fit our search, two national and one from Portugal. We found only one study referring to the target population in our research, that is, children and adolescents in a situation of protective shelter. The others refer to medicalization in an educational context and were included in this meta-synthesis because they presented a primary study on different perceptions of medicalization and innovative proposals for the management of school difficulties to the detriment of medicalization. All the primary works presented data that confirm excesses in the administration of psychotropic drugs, as well as bring alternatives for managing these populations in order to guarantee their rights of citizenship, socialization, expression, development and dignity. It is concluded that psychiatric medicalization is one more strategy for the perpetuation of socioeconomic constraints.
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