Seedling cultivation at the Federal Institute of Brasília for the recovery of the Cerrado




Plant seedlings, Complementary activities, Federal District, Cerrado, Federal Institute of Brasília.


Throughout its academic journey, the Federal Institute of Brasília adheres to the principle of educating a qualified and socially engaged student population. However, merely following the curriculum and its subjects is not sufficient to foster the development of students’ environmental and social skills during the knowledge acquisition process. On the other hand, mandatory complementary activities are limited and often lack motivation for their completion. The objective of this study is to propose the encouragement of plant seedling cultivation as a mandatory complementary activity, aiming for greater commitment to extracurricular activities of academic, social, and environmental relevance through the involvement of higher education students at the Federal Institute of Brasília, Brasília campus. This is a qualitative research that adopts an exploratory approach and literature review. For its execution, data collection techniques were employed, including bibliographic and documentary analysis, with the temporal analysis covering works published between 2018 and 2023. The study infers the need for investigations into the connection between student procrastination and academic motivation related to mandatory complementary activities.

Author Biographies

  • Henrique Viana Dias, Instituto Federal de Brasília - Campus Brasília

    Graduando do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Pública.

  • Ariana Lima Freitas, Fundação Bradesco

    Especialista em Docência em Educação Superior e Profissional.

  • Marcos Paulo Ferreira da Silva, Instituto Federal de Brasília (IFB)

    Especialista em Docência para Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT).


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Data Availability Statement

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How to Cite

INTEGRATING SUSTAINABILITY INTO HIGHER EDUCATION:: Seedling cultivation at the Federal Institute of Brasília for the recovery of the Cerrado. (2024). Revista Eixo, 13(3), 122-129.

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